100 days of cherries, made extra delicious
Posted on Dec 11, 2019
Glossy, plump cherries are the quintessential Australian summer fruit. Available for about 100 days from November to February, cherries are prized both for their eating and decorative qualities.
Small, delicious and available in numerous shades of red, cherries are adored for their full flavour, versatility and numerous health benefits.
Kids and adults alike can’t resist a bowlful of cherries and who hasn’t at some stage playfully daggled a shining red, double cherry from the earlobes.
Luscious cherry season heralds the arrival of longer warmer days and casual eating. Try cherries
- Chilled and sprinkled over a summer fruit platter,
- In chilled, home-made ice-creams and smoothies
- Teamed with spices for a fruity relish to serve with turkey, ham and pork
- Added to savoury and sweet fruit salads
- Cakes and muffins
- Oven roasted with other stone fruit
- In sweet and savoury sauces
- Freshly blended juice to boost the goodness.
- Stewed and served with muesli and yoghurt.
Cherries go with
Cherries partner perfectly with peaches, apricots, mango, plums, coriander, chocolate, cream, pastry, nuts, soft cheese, citrus, wine, vanilla, coconut, spices, turkey, ham and game.
Invest in a cherry pitter, they are available from good kitchenware stores and make removing the stone quick and easy. This is certain the way to go, if you want to cook with cherries.
Celebrate with cherries
Available in 2-kilo boxes, or sold by the kilo from your local greengrocer, cherries make an attractive gift, leave them in their original packaging or pile cherries into a colourful china bowl and wrap with cellophane.
Not all cherries are the same
There are over 80 different varieties of cherries grown across Australia. Each variety has its own unique properties, growing and harvesting requirements. The most common and popular cherries varieties grown in Australia include Merchant, Bing, Stella, Lapin, Supreme, Van, Sweetheart, Ron, Skeena, Regina, Staccato, Sequoia, Dawn series, Simone and Kordia.
Where are Australian cherries grown?
Over 40% of cherries are grown in New South Wales. Young, Hillston, Orange and Bathurst areas. Other significant growing regions include Victoria (27%) particularly around the Dandenong Ranges and Goulburn Valley near Melbourne; South Australia (17%) at the Mount Lofty Ranges and the Riverland area; Tasmania’s, Huon Valley and Derwent Valley grow (14%), and Western Australia in the elevated southwest region grows (1%) of the annual production.
5 cherry recipes to try this season
Cherry Tiramisu Trifle
Cherry & Chocolate Pavlova
Avocado, Cherry, Turkey and Lettuce Wraps
Chocolate-Dipped Cherries
Microwaved Cherry Relish
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